Structural aspects of biological cybernetics: Valentino Braitenberg, neuroanatomy, and brain function
- J. Leo van Hemmen,
- Almut Schüz,
- Ad Aertsen
- … show all 3 hide
The best way of introducing Valentino Braitenberg is by quoting one of his distinctive arguments [99, p. 31]:
The referencing in this Foreword is twofold. For the Foreword itself, the Harvard style referring to authors by year is used whereas for the publications of Braitenberg himself recourse has been taken to the Vancouver style, which uses angular brackets such as [1]. Both lists appear at the end in the order as just described.

“When a new science emerges every couple of centuries, those who are privileged enough to witness it from its very beginnings to its full development during the span of their own lifetime can indeed count themselves lucky. My colleagues and I, who became fully fledged after World War II, had precisely this privilege. The science to which I refer still has no proper name, but its existence can be testified to by the matter-of-course way in which physicists, biologists, and logicians discuss issues that do not fall into any of the categories of phys ...
- Hebb DO (1949) Organization of behavior. A neuropsychological theory, 2nd edn (1961). Wiley, New York
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- Shannon CE, Weaver W (1949) The mathematical theory of communication. University of Illinois Press, Urbana
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- Wiener N (1948) Cybernetics: or control and communication in the animal and in the machine. MIT Press, Cambridge
- 1. Kemali M, Braitenberg V (1969) Atlas of the frog’s brain. Springer, Berlin
- 2. Braitenberg V (1977) On the texture of brains: an introduction to neuroanatomy for the cybernetically minded. Springer, New York
- 3. Braitenberg V (1984) Vehicles: experiments in synthetic psychology. MIT Press, Cambridge
- 4. Braitenberg V (1987) Gescheit sein: und andere unwissenschaftliche Essays. Haffmans, Zürich
- 5. Braitenberg V (1996) Il gusto della lingua: Meccanismi cerebrali e strutture grammaticali. Alpha und Beta, Merano, Italy
- 6. Braitenberg V, Schüz A (1998) Cortex: statistics and geometry of neuronal connectivity, 2nd edn of Statsitics and Geometry of neuronal connectivity (1991). Springer, Berlin
- 7. Braitenberg V (1999) Ill oder Der Engel und die Philosophen. Haffmans, Zürich
- 8. Braitenberg V (2004) Das Bild der Welt im Kopf. Eine Naturgeschichte des Geistes. LIT Verlag, Münster, (2009) Schattauer, Stuttgart
- 9. Braitenberg (2011) Information—der Geist in der Natur. Schattauer, Stuttgart
- 10. Braitenberg V, Atwood RP (1958) Morphological observations on the cerebellar cortex. J Comp Neurol 109:1–33
- 11. Braitenberg V (1961) Functional interpretation of cerebellar histology. Nature 190:539–540
- 12. Braitenberg V, Onesto N (1962) The cerebellar cortex as a timing organ. Discussion of a hypothesis. In: Proceedings of 1st international conference on medical cybernetics, Naples, pp 3–19
- 13. Braitenberg V (1965) A note on the control of voluntary movements. In: Caianiello ER (ed) Cybernetics of Neural Processes. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, pp 1–6
- 14. Braitenberg V (1967) Is the cerebellar cortex a biological clock in the millisecond range? In: Fox CA (ed) The cerebellum. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 334–346
- 15. Braitenberg V (1983) The cerebellum revisited. J Theor Neurobiol 2:237–241
- 16. Fahle M, Braitenberg V (1984) Some quantitative aspects of cerebellar anatomy as a guide to speculation on cerebellar functions. In: Bloedel JR, Dichgans J, Precht W (eds) Cerebellar functions. Springer, Berlin, pp 185–200
- 17. Braitenberg V (1987) The cerebellum and the physics of movement: some speculations. In: Glickstein M, Yeo C, Stein J (eds) Cerebellum and neuronal plasticity. Plenum, New York, pp 193–145
- 18. Braitenberg V, Preissl H (1992) Why is the output of the cerebellum inhibitory? Behav Brain Sci 15:715–717
- 19. Braitenberg V (1993) The cerebellar network. Attempt at a formalization of its structure. Network 4:11–17
- 20. Sultan F, Braitenberg V (1993) Shapes and sizes of different mammalian cerebella. A study in quantitative comparative neuroanatomy. J Hirnforsch 34(1):79–92
- 21. Braitenberg V, Heck D, Sultan F (1997) The detection and generation of sequences as a key to cerebellar function. Experiments and theory. Behav Brain Sci 20(2):229–277
- 22. Heck D, Sultan F, Braitenberg V (2001) Sequential stimulation of rat cerebellar granular layer in-vivo: Further evidence of a ‘tidal-wave’ timing mechanism in the cerebellum. Neurocomputing 38:641–646
- 23. Braitenberg V (2003) In defense of the cerebellum. In: Highstein SM, Thach WT (eds) The cerebellum. Recent development in cerebellar research. Ann NY Acad Sci 978:175–183.
- 24. Braitenberg V (1966) Unsymmetrische Projektion der Retinulazellen auf die Lamina ganglionaris bei der Fliege Musca domestica. Z Vergl Physiol 52(2):212–214
- 25. Braitenberg V, Ferretti CT (1966) Landing reaction of musca domestica induced by visual stimuli. Nature 53(6):155–156
- 26. Braitenberg V (1967) Patterns of projection in the visual system of the fly. I. Retina–lamina projections. Exp Brain Res 3(3):271–298
- 27. Braitenberg V (1968) On the neural optics behind the eye of the fly. In: Oestreicher H, Moore D (eds) Cybernetic problems in bionics: bionics symposium 1966. Gordon and Breach, New York, pp 323–335
- 28. Braitenberg V, Kirschfeld K (1968) Optische und neurale Projektion der Umwelt auf die Ganglien im Komplexauge der Fliege. Mitteilungen Max-Planck Ges 3:185–206
- 29. Braitenberg V (1969) The anatomical substratum of visual perception in flies. A sketch of the visual ganglia. In: Reichardt W (ed) Processing of optical data by organisms and by machines. Academic Press, London, pp 328–340
- 30. Braitenberg V, Kirschfeld K (1970) Datenübertragung im Komplexauge der Fliege. In: Frank H (ed) Kybernetik: Brücke zwischen den Wissenschaften. Umschau Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, pp 105–113
- 31. Strausfeld NJ, Braitenberg V (1970) The compound eye of the fly (Musca domestica): connections between the cartridges of the lamina ganglionaris. Z Vergl Physiol 70(2):95–104
- 32. Braitenberg V (1970) Ordnung und Orientierung der Elemente im Sehsystem der Fliege. Kybernetik 7(6):235–242
- 33. Braitenberg V (1971) What sort of computer do we expect to find associated with the compound eye of flying insects? In: Drischal H, Tiedt N (eds) Biokybernetik, vol 3. Fischer, Jena, pp 215–220
- 34. Braitenberg V (1971) The structure of the visual ganglia in relation to studies on movement perception in the fly. In: Lanci F, Felici L (eds) Baldocchi M. Congresso di Cibernetica, Casciana Terma (Pisa), pp 42–53
- 35. Braitenberg V (1971) Periodic structures and structural gradients in the visual ganglia of the fly. In: Wehner R (ed) Information processing in the visual system of Arthropods. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 3–15
- 36. Braitenberg V, Hauser-Holschuh H (1972) Patterns of projection in the visual system of the fly II: Quantitative aspects of second order neurons in relation to models of movement perception. Exp Brain Res 16(2):184–209
- 37. Braitenberg V (1972) In search of the neurological wiring responsible for optomotor reactions in insects. In: Drischel H, Dettmar P (eds) III. Intern. Symp. Biokybernetik, Leipzig (1971) Fischer, Jena, pp 93–97
- 38. Braitenberg V, Strausfeld NJ (1973) Principles of the mosaic organization in the visual system‘s neuropil of Musca domestica. In: Autrum H (ed) Central processing of visual information, part A: integrative functions and comparative data. Springer, Berlin, pp 631–659
- 39. Braitenberg V, Debbage P (1974) A regular net of reciprocal synapses in the visual system of the fly. Musca domestica. J Comp Physiol 90(1):25–31
- 40. Braitenberg V, Burkhardt W (1976) Beyond the wiring diagram of the lamina ganglionaris of the fly. In: Zettler F, Weiler R (eds) Neural principles in vision. Springer, Berlin, pp 238–244
- 41. Burkhardt W, Braitenberg V (1976) Some peculiar synaptic complexes in the first visual ganglion of the fly. Musca domestica. Cell Tissue Res 173(3):287–308
- 42. Braitenberg V (1953) Sulle strie orizzontali della corteccia cerebrale. Il Lavoro Neuropsichiatrico 13:398–409
- 43. Braitenberg V (1956) Die Gliederung der Stirnhirnrinde auf Grund ihres Markfaserbaus. In: Rehwald E (ed) Das Hirntrauma: Beiträge zur Behandlung. Begutachtung und Betreuung Hirnverletzter, Thieme, Stuttgart, pp 183–203
- 44. Braitenberg V (1957) Local variation of fiber structure in the telencephalic cortex of monkey and man. Anat Rec 127:399–400
- 45. Braitenberg V, Lauria F (1960) Toward a mathematical description of the grey substance of nervous systems. Il Nuovo Cim 18(Suppl 2):149–165
- 46. Braitenberg V (1962) A note on myeloarchitectonics. J Comp Neurol 118(2):141–156
- 47. Braitenberg V (1963) Alcuni modelli funzionali della corteccia telencefalica dei Mammiferi. X. Rassegna Internazionale Elettronica Nucleare e Teleradiocinematografica, Roma, pp 155–182
- 48. Braitenberg V (1969) Models of brain function: Discussion. In: Jasper HH, Ward AA, Pope A (eds) Basic Mechanisms of the epilepsies. Little, Brown and Co., Boston, MA, pp 768–771
- 49. Braitenberg V (1972) Comparison of different cortices as a basis for speculations on their function. In: Petsche H, Brazier MAB (eds) Synchronization of EEG activity in epilepsies: a symposium organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Sept 12–13, 1971, pp 1–8
- 50. Braitenberg V (1974) Thoughts on the cerebral cortex. J Theor Biol 46(2):421–427
- 51. Braitenberg V (1974) On the representation of objects and their relations in the brain. In: Conrad M, Güttinger W, Dal Cin M (eds) Physics and mathematics of the nervous system: proceedings of a Summer School, held at Trieste, Aug 21–31, 1973, Springer, Berlin, pp 290–298
- 52. Braitenberg V (1975) The cerebral cortex from a neuroanatomical vantage point. In: International conference on cybernetics and society. IEEE, New York, NY, pp 114–116
- 53. Braitenberg V (1978) Cortical architectonics: General and areal. In: Brazier MAB (ed) Architectonics of the cerebral cortex. Raven Press, New York, pp 443–465
- 54. Braitenberg V (1978) Cell assemblies in the cerebral cortex. In: Heim R, Palm G (ed) Theoretical approaches to complex systems. In: Proceedings of symposium, Tübingen, June 11–12, 1977, Springer, Berlin, pp 171–188
- 55. Palm G, Braitenberg V (1978) Tentative contributions of neuroanatomy to nerve net theories. In: Trappl R (ed) Progress in cybernetics and systems research: General systems methodology, fuzzy mathematics and fuzzy systems, biocybernetics and theoretical neurobiology. Wiley, New York, pp 369–374
- 56. Braitenberg V, Braitenberg C (1979) Geometry of orientation columns in the visual cortex. Biol Cybern 33(3):179–186
- 57. Braitenberg V (1979) Skizze einer Theorie der Grosshirnrinde. In: Rathmayer W (ed) Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, 72. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Fischer, Stuttgart, pp 201–206
- 58. Braitenberg V (1981) Anatomical basis for divergence, convergence and integration in the cerebral cortex. In: Grastyán E, Molnár P (eds) Adv Physiol Sci 16. Sensory functions. Pergamon, Oxford, pp 411–419
- 59. Braitenberg V (1981) A selection of facts and conjectures about the cerebral cortex inspired by the theory of cell assemblies. In: Székeley G, Lábos E, Damjanovich S (eds) Adv Physiol Sci vol 30 Neural communication and control. Pergamon, New York, pp 287–289
- 60. Braitenberg V (1982) Outline of a theory of the cerebral cortex. In: Ricciardi LM, Scott AC (eds) Workshop on biomathematics, current status and future perspectives. North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp 127–132
- 61. Braitenberg V (1984) Das Raster der neuronalen Elemente in der Sehrinde und seine neuro-physiologischen Konsequenzen. In: Herzau V (ed) Pathophysiologie des Sehens: Grundlagenforschung und Klinik der visuellen Sensorik. Enke, Stuttgart, pp 123–133
- 62. Braitenberg V (1985) Charting the visual cortex. In: Peters A (ed) Cerebral Cortex 3: Visual Cortex. Plenum, New York, pp 379–414
- 63. Braitenberg V (1985) An isotropic network which implicitly defines orientation columns: discussion of a hypothesis. In: Rose D (ed) Models of the visual cortex. Wiley, Chichester, pp 479–484
- 64. Braitenberg V (1986) Two views of the cerebral cortex. In: Palm G, Aertsen A (eds) 1st Trieste meeting on brain theory. Springer, Berlin, pp 81–96
- 65. Braitenberg V (1989) Some arguments for a theory of cell assemblies in the cerebral cortex. In: Nadel L, Cooper LA, Culicover PW, Harnish RM (eds) Neural connections, mental computation. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp 137–145
- 66. Braitenberg V, Schüz A (1989) Cortex: hohe Ordnung oder größtmögliches Durcheinander? Spektrum Wiss 5:74–86
- 67. Braitenberg V (1990) La corteccia cerebrale come sede di memoria associativa. Sistemi Intelligenti 2:213–227
- 68. Braitenberg V (1992) How ideas survive evidence to the contrary. A comment of data display and modelling. In: Aertsen A, Braitenberg V (eds) Information processing in the cortex: experiments and theory. Springer, Berlin, pp 447–450
- 69. Schüz A, Braitenberg V (1994) Constraints to a random plan of cortical connectivity. In: Albowitz B, Kuhnt U, Nothdurft HC, Wahle P (eds) Structural and functional organization of the neocortex. Proceedings of a symposium in the memory of Otto D. Creutzfeldt, May 1993. Springer, Berlin, pp 161–169
- 70. Braitenberg V (2001) Brain size and number of neurons. An exercise in synthetic neuroanatomy. J Comput Neurosci 10(1):71–77
- 71. Schüz A, Braitenberg V (2002) The human cortical white matter - quantitative aspects of cortico-cortical long-range connectivity. In: Schüz A, Miller R (eds) Cortical Areas: Unity and Diversity. Taylor & Francis, London, pp 377–385
- 72. Braitenberg V (1955) Il metodo più rapido di colorazione delle fibre mieliniche. Laboratorio Scientifico 3:1–4
- 73. Wahren W, Braitenberg V (1959) The brain as a whole. In: Schaltenbrand G, Bailey P (eds) Einführung in die stereotaktischen Operationen mit einem Atlas des menschlichen Gehirns. Thieme, Stuttgart, pp 42–64
- 74. Braitenberg V, Sada E (1964) Osservazioni sul metodo cromoargentico di Golgi. Lab Sci 12(3):65–72
- 75. Braitenberg V (1965) What can be learned from spike interval histograms about synaptic mechanisms. J Theor Biol 8(3):419–425
- 76. Braitenberg V, Gambardella G, Ghigo G, Vota U (1965) Observations on spike sequences from spontaneously active Purkinje cells in the frog. Kybernetik 2(5):197–205
- 77. Braitenberg V, Guglielmotti V, Sada E (1967) Correlation of crystal growth with the staining of axons by the Golgi procedure. Stain Technol 42(6):277–283
- 78. Reichardt W, Braitenberg V, Weidel G (1968) Auslösung von Elementarprozessen durch einzelne Lichtquanten im Fliegenauge: Verhaltensexperimente an der Stubenfliege Musca. Kybernetik 5(4):148–169
- 79. Braitenberg V (1973) Golgi methods. In: Gray P (ed) The encyclopedia of microscopy and microtechnique. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, pp 229–232
- 80. Braitenberg V (1988) Some Types of Movements. In: Langton C (ed) Proceedings of an interdisciplinary workshop on the synthesis and simulation of living systems. Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA, pp 555–565
- 81. Braitenberg V (1993) Intricacies of movement control: an essay. In: Aertsen A (ed) Brain theory: spatio-temporal aspects of brain function. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 307–307
- 82. Zanker JM, Braitenberg V (1996) Psychophysical mapping of orientation sensitivity in the human cortex. In: Aertsen A (ed) Brain theory: biological basis and computational principles. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 19–36
- 83. Braitenberg V (1965) Electroencephalographic evidence of “Gestalt” in the perception of movement by the frog. Kybernetik 2(6):284–287
- 84. Braitenberg V (1983) Alla ricerca di morfemi all‘interno del cervello. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia 3:521–541
- 85. Braitenberg V (1986) Was das Gehirn mit Information zu tun hat. In: Folberth OG, Hackl C (eds) Der Informationsbegriff in Technik und Wissenschaft: wissenschaftliches Symposium der IBM Deutschland GmbH, 3.-5. Dezember 1984 in Bad Neuenahr. Oldenbourg, München, pp 205–216
- 86. Braitenberg V (1991) Information from structure: a sketch of neuroanatomy. In: Domany E, van Hemmen JL, Schulten K (eds) Models of neural networks. Springer, New York, pp 107–120
- 87. Braitenberg V (1994) Wie kommen Ideen ins Gehirn? In: Braitenberg V (ed) Evolution: Entwicklung und Organisation in der Natur. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg, pp 153–171
- 88. Braitenberg V (2000) Informationsbiologie (Wenn ich heute Postdoc wäre..). Laborjournal 9:18–20
- 89. Braitenberg V (2003) Remarks on the semantics of “information”. In: Braitenberg V, Selvatico D (eds) Il Laboratorio di scienze cognitive dell’Università degli studi di Trento: Saggi e Lavori, Novembre 1999—Dicembre 2000. Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento, pp 239–241
- 90. Braitenberg V (1980) Alcune considerazioni sui meccanismi cerebrali del linguaggio. In: Braga G, Braitenberg V, Cipolli C, Coseriu E, Crespi-Reghizzi S, Mehler J, Titone R (eds) L‘accostamento interdisciplinare allo studio del linguaggio. Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp 96–108
- 91. Braitenberg V (1986) Lalula: das Nichtverstandenwerden und die Sprache. Kursbuch 84:52–56
- 92. Braitenberg V, Pulvermüller F (1992) Entwurf einer neurologischen Theorie der Sprache. Naturwiss 79(3):103–117
- 93. Braitenberg V (2001) Thoughts on the neuronal hardware of language. Cogn Process 2(2–3):263–278
- 94. Braitenberg V (1986) Describing the brain in logical terms or the logical terms in the brain. In: Corsi G, Sambin G (eds) Atti del Congresso Nuovi Problemi della Logica e della Filosofia della Scienza, vol II. Editrice CLUEB, Bologna, pp 27–31
- 95. Braitenberg V (1987) Some problems in brain science awaiting theoretical treatment. In: Caianiello ER (ed) Physics of cognitive processes: Amalfi 1986. World Scientific, Singapore, pp 75–78
- 96. Braitenberg V (1991) Logics at different levels in the brain. Atti del Congresso Nuovi Problemi della Logica e della Filosofia della Scienza, vol I. Editrice CLUEB, Bologna, pp 53–59
- 97. Braitenberg V (1992) Manifesto of brain science. In: Aertsen A, Braitenberg V (eds) Information processing in the cortex. Springer, Berlin, pp 473–477
- 98. Braitenberg V (1996) Entspringt die Logik dem Gehirn oder das Gehirn der Logik? In: Braitenberg V (ed) Die Natur ist unser Modell von ihr: Forschung und Philosophie. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg, pp 119–129
- 99. Braitenberg,(1999) Der neue Büchertisch. In: Arnold HL (ed) Wörter, Wörter. Wörter. Göttinger Sudelblätter, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, pp 29–40
- 100. Braitenberg V (2006) La borsa o la vita: an excercise in applied logics; Appendix to: Remarks on the Semantics of “Information”, In: Termini S (ed) Imagination and Rigor: essays on Eduardo R. Caianiello‘s Scientific Heritage. Springer-Italia, Milano, pp 35–38
- 101. Braitenberg V (1965) Taxis, Kinesis and Decussation. In: Wiener N (ed) Cybernetics of the nervous system. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 210–222
- 102. Braitenberg V (1967) On the use of theories, models and cybernetical toys in brain research. Brain Res 6(2):201–216
- 103. Braitenberg V (1968) Contributi tecnici e concettuali dell‘elettronica allo studio dei cervelli viventi. Atti Accad Naz dei Lincei 365(110):211–217
- 104. Braitenberg V (1970) Hirnforschung zwischen Lokalisationslehre und Systemanalyse. Attempto 35(36):43–48
- Title
- Structural aspects of biological cybernetics: Valentino Braitenberg, neuroanatomy, and brain function
- Journal
Biological Cybernetics
Volume 108, Issue 5 , pp 517-525
- Cover Date
- 2014-10-01
- 10.1007/s00422-014-0630-6
- Print ISSN
- 0340-1200
- Online ISSN
- 1432-0770
- Publisher
- Springer Berlin Heidelberg
- Additional Links
- Topics
- Industry Sectors
- Authors
J. Leo van Hemmen
Almut Schüz
Ad Aertsen
J. Leo van Hemmen
- Author Affiliations
- 1. Physik Department T35, Technische Universität München, 85747, Garching bei München, Germany
- 2. Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 72076, Tübingen, Germany
- 3. Faculty of Biology and Bernstein Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg, 79104, Freiburg, Germany