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Volume 108, Issue 5, October 2014
Structural Aspects of Biological Cybernetics: Valentino Braitenberg, Neuroanatomy, and Brain Function
0340-1200 (Print)
1432-0770 (Online)
In this issue (14 articles)
Cell assemblies in the cerebral cortex
Günther Palm, Andreas Knoblauch, Florian Hauser, Almut Schüz Pages 559-572 -
Original Paper
Learning strategies in table tennis using inverse reinforcement learning
Katharina Muelling, Abdeslam Boularias, Betty Mohler… Pages 603-619 -
Original Paper
Statistics and geometry of orientation selectivity in primary visual cortex
Sadra Sadeh, Stefan Rotter Pages 631-653 -
Original Paper
Revealing instances of coordination among multiple cortical areas
M. Abeles Pages 665-675

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