For the analysis of neuronal
cooperativity, simultaneously recorded extracellular signals from
neighboring neurons need to
be sorted reliably by a spike sorting method. Many
algorithms have been developed to this end, however, to date, none of
manages to fulfill a set of demanding requirements. In
particular, it is desirable to have an algorithm that operates online,
detects and classifies overlapping spikes in real time, and
that adapts to non-stationary data. Here, we present a combined
spike detection and classification algorithm, which
explicitly addresses these issues. Our approach makes use of linear
to find a new representation of the data and to optimally
enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. We introduce a method called
“Deconfusion” which de-correlates the filter outputs and
provides source separation. Finally, a set of well-defined thresholds
is applied and leads to simultaneous spike detection and
spike classification. By incorporating a direct feedback, the algorithm
adapts to non-stationary data and is, therefore, well suited
for acute recordings. We evaluate our method on simulated and
experimental data, including simultaneous
intra/extra-cellular recordings made in slices of a rat cortex and
recordings from
the prefrontal cortex of awake behaving macaques. We compare
the results to existing spike detection as well as spike sorting
methods. We conclude that our algorithm meets all of the
mentioned requirements and outperforms other methods under realistic
signal-to-noise ratios and in the presence of overlapping
Keywords Realtime
spike sorting - Extracellular multi electrode
recordings - Tetrode recordings - FIR
filters - Deconfusion
Action Editor: Eberhard Fetz