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Higher-order statistics of input ensembles and the response of simple model neurons.
Kuhn A, Aertsen A, Rotter S.
Neurobiology and Biophysics, Biology III, Albert-Ludwigs-University, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany. kuhn@biologie.uni-freiburg.de
correlations among spike trains recorded in vivo have been frequently
reported. It has been argued that correlated activity could play an
important role in the brain, because it efficiently modulates the
response of a postsynaptic neuron. We show here that a neuron's output
firing rate critically depends on the higher-order statistics of the
input ensemble. We constructed two statistical models of populations of
spiking neurons that fired with the same rates and had identical
pairwise correlations, but differed with regard to the higher-order
interactions within the population. The first ensemble was
characterized by clusters of spikes synchronized over the whole
population. In the second ensemble, the size of spike clusters was, on
average, proportional to the pairwise correlation. For both input
models, we assessed the role of the size of the population, the firing
rate, and the pairwise correlation on the output rate of two simple
model neurons: a continuous firing-rate model and a conductance-based
leaky integrate-and-fire neuron. An approximation to the mean output
rate of the firing-rate neuron could be derived analytically with the
help of shot noise theory. Interestingly, the essential features of the
mean response of the two neuron models were similar. For both neuron
models, the three input parameters played radically different roles
with respect to the postsynaptic firing rate, depending on the
interaction structure of the input. For instance, in the case of an
ensemble with small and distributed spike clusters, the output firing
rate was efficiently controlled by the size of the input population. In
addition to the interaction structure, the ratio of inhibition to
excitation was found to strongly modulate the effect of correlation on
the postsynaptic firing rate.
PMID: 12590820 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]